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Septic tanks are a pretty reliable solution to waste management today, but high-efficiency doesn’t mean that they don’t need regular maintenance.  It is important to remember to invest in septic tank pumping for several reasons.

Protection through Prevention

Like a car or even the human body, septic tanks function at the highest levels of efficiency when they receive the preventative treatment that they need.  Avoiding causing damage or excess build up in your waste management system can be as simple as avoiding putting things into it that it was not made to handle.

Things like grease, feminine hygiene products, harsh chemicals, and other items tend to weigh septic tanks down surprisingly fast and can cause unexpected problems.  In addition to keeping harmful things out of your waste removal system, it is highly advised to take the time to schedule regular septic tank pumping every two to three years, at the very least, to help keep things running smoothly.


Stay “In The Know”

When you have your septic tank pumped on a regular basis, you are more likely to be aware of problems that have arisen in your system.  It can be easy for an experienced technician to detect a problem at the time of pumping.  It is our practice that when we pump each tank we also check the baffles, make a written note of  the percentage of solids present,  check the effluent levels in the tank, make written a note if water is coming back from leachfield and/or anything else that needs to be brought to the customers attention such as roots in the system or cracks in the tank.  At Hamm Septic Services, it is suggested having your system pumped because knowing about a potential problem before it starts  backing up, usually makes for easier and less-costly repairs.

Financially Smart

Finally, investing in septic tank pumping in every couple of years can actually help save you money in the long run. It can’t be stressed enough the fact that prevention is the best approach to avoiding big problems.  As mentioned above, a septic tank is similar to other systems that rely on quality maintenance to avoid backing up.

It’s clear that when it comes to septic tank pumping, prevention is the key to staying ahead in the game.  By keeping your waste removal system in good condition with routine maintenance instead of waiting for a problem to arise, you can prevent and address most issues before they become a costly emergency.

To schedule an appointment to have your septic tank pumped, call the professionals at Hamm Septic Services at 603-882-7223 or 603-434-7701.